"Lita" the Pomeranian visitor...

"Lita" the visitor...

So we had this ... wait, what is it? It is a dog, but much smaller than any dogs and it's even smaller than our cats ( no wonder our cats was like...!? ) when the dog came inside.

Friend of my fiancee was heading out for a daytrip and the little one had about 24hr vacation at our place.
When my fiancee asked me over the phone about if it was alright to have the dog over night, first thing I thought was this is going to be WW3-WW4 etc. But I couldn't be much more wrong as the dog got inside and our cats sees this little creature they were more like interested and wanted to get it contact up close, but "Lita" the dog was showing teeth if they got too close :)

This is probably one of the dogs that's been here that actually doesn't make a sound. Well, except from one time when I pulled up with the ATV and parked it outside she was barking couple of times ( I honestly couldn't figure it out what it was before I got inside and fiancee said the dog was barking. ) hah!

Nalà our 'youngest' cat has always had a special spot right next to my feet while watching TV, but you can only imagine what she felt when that dog was taking her spot!
PS: And if you ever wondered why that dog is losing it's hair it's because of a disease I don't know the name of :) And she is in fact ' healthy ' and shes roughly 6 years to my knowledge.

"Lita" the Pomeranian visitor has now left the building and is happy to be with her "mom". 

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