Animals and asphalt heat...

Animal paws on asphalt when it's too hot...

It's safe to say it's summer time already and the weather is most likely to go up and down. But when the sun is already up and shining and when you got around 40-45 degrees celsius on asphalt / pavement or whatever you have around your house, make sure the animals cat, dog or whatever else you have that they have some shadows / water around as well.

Last sunday it was so hot that our cats was running from one place to the other to reach the spots of shadows around our house.

First picture, laser / infrared measured it to be around 30ish ( give or take 2 degrees ) in the shadow.

Second picture taken in the sun shows around 46 degrees. ( Was 50 degrees down the hill ).
So, as you can see - even if you would just walk without shoes in that temp it would hurt.

And just to mention Cars, I measured the dashboard in the car and it said 75 degrees. To put things in perspective, that means if your phone was on the dashboard for an our or two in the period when it was really hot, it would probably be dead due to heat. Kids, animals in general as well, opening up a window wont help much if there is no wind.
So, think twice before you put anything living in your car in the summer times! It may be 19-20 degrees celsius when you got aircondition on, but when you park the car to go shopping and leaving your kids / animals behind it takes just minutes before the temps reaches deadly temperature.

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