Too much grass...

Stella ate grass and it got stuck...

Last night she didn't want to come in before we went to bed, so figured she could be out during the night. She always comes around in the morning though, but this morning she didn't.
We figured she might be sleeping some extra hours this morning, but after a little while she came around coughing.

At first, I thought it was like normal - she have done this before as many other cats when eating i.e grass or other stuff like hair or something.
But after few hours when she still haven't stopped, my fiancee called the Vet and they said come down and lets have a check.

At the Vet, Stella ended up with narcosis and the Vet found about 3 long grass straw stuck half way down the pipe. One of the grass straw was 8cm / 3,1 inches long - no wonder she was caughing around and didn't get it down nor up.

She had the narcosis around 3:30 PM, it's 7PM now and she is still walking under the influence.

All things ended good and Stella is healthy - just gotta wait an hour or two before she can walk straight :)

"Lita" the Pomeranian visitor...

"Lita" the visitor...

So we had this ... wait, what is it? It is a dog, but much smaller than any dogs and it's even smaller than our cats ( no wonder our cats was like...!? ) when the dog came inside.

Friend of my fiancee was heading out for a daytrip and the little one had about 24hr vacation at our place.
When my fiancee asked me over the phone about if it was alright to have the dog over night, first thing I thought was this is going to be WW3-WW4 etc. But I couldn't be much more wrong as the dog got inside and our cats sees this little creature they were more like interested and wanted to get it contact up close, but "Lita" the dog was showing teeth if they got too close :)

This is probably one of the dogs that's been here that actually doesn't make a sound. Well, except from one time when I pulled up with the ATV and parked it outside she was barking couple of times ( I honestly couldn't figure it out what it was before I got inside and fiancee said the dog was barking. ) hah!

Nalà our 'youngest' cat has always had a special spot right next to my feet while watching TV, but you can only imagine what she felt when that dog was taking her spot!
PS: And if you ever wondered why that dog is losing it's hair it's because of a disease I don't know the name of :) And she is in fact ' healthy ' and shes roughly 6 years to my knowledge.

"Lita" the Pomeranian visitor has now left the building and is happy to be with her "mom". 

Animals and asphalt heat...

Animal paws on asphalt when it's too hot...

It's safe to say it's summer time already and the weather is most likely to go up and down. But when the sun is already up and shining and when you got around 40-45 degrees celsius on asphalt / pavement or whatever you have around your house, make sure the animals cat, dog or whatever else you have that they have some shadows / water around as well.

Last sunday it was so hot that our cats was running from one place to the other to reach the spots of shadows around our house.

First picture, laser / infrared measured it to be around 30ish ( give or take 2 degrees ) in the shadow.

Second picture taken in the sun shows around 46 degrees. ( Was 50 degrees down the hill ).
So, as you can see - even if you would just walk without shoes in that temp it would hurt.

And just to mention Cars, I measured the dashboard in the car and it said 75 degrees. To put things in perspective, that means if your phone was on the dashboard for an our or two in the period when it was really hot, it would probably be dead due to heat. Kids, animals in general as well, opening up a window wont help much if there is no wind.
So, think twice before you put anything living in your car in the summer times! It may be 19-20 degrees celsius when you got aircondition on, but when you park the car to go shopping and leaving your kids / animals behind it takes just minutes before the temps reaches deadly temperature.

Lynx / Bobcat as a pet?

Lynx in house...

There are many "tamed" cats around the world that we keep inside our house, one will think a normal cat would be enough, or a dog for that matter. But some people take it to the next level.

Would you have a lynx in your house even if it was ' tamed ' ?
Just... Don't answer yet, watch video first then answer.

So, you sure you want to have one? :)
This animal in the video is however a tamed one and the owner knows what she's doing.
It may or may not look horrible and or abusive, but the lynx is trying to dominate, so is the owner it seems :)

Pile of Cat hair

Where does it come from? And no, we don't own a dog...

As ' skinny ' as Stella is in terms of hair and being short haired, the hair keeps on coming off.
It's a good thing of course, but I wouldn't in my deepest imagination think she would have this much hair coming of her.

But now she's ready ( atleast for today ) and tomorrow or in couple of days it's the same thing over again :)
By the looks of it, it could look like we have a dog nearby!

She doesn't mind us getting all the hair off her, in fact - she likes it more and more as long as she gets some ' Dreamies ' candy when she's done... ( well when we are done ).

Too much grass...

Stella ate grass and it got stuck... Last night she didn't want to come in before we went to bed, so figured she could be out d...