Scorching heat outside...

The cats have been outside a little while and have of course access to drinking water etc, but even though the scorching heat outside is just too much...
I have myself been hiding in the shadows and by the looks of it the weather ain't getting much cooler in next few days. Just today it's been around 30 degrees celcius in the sun and 25 in the shadow according to the temperature meter.

Upcoming saturday and sunday it's going to be over 30 in sun and probably close to 30 as well in the shadow. I'm guessing chewing on Ice would be a good idea next few days.

In general our cats are more active during night time, but last few days it's been so hot outside they can barely hit the ' toilet ' before they seek a shadow or wants to go back inside. Last night around 11:30 it was above 20 degrees outside and our cats played around for half an hour before they went inside :)

Now, they both are asleep and waiting for the sun to go down!

If it fits I sits...

Nalà sits and make it fit...

The Cat ( Nalà ) has her special place on the kitchen table, there we have this small wood basket which was basically used for other stuff / decorations. The first basket she got was fine, until she got a few months older and her paws / head was sticking out of it.
So, we tried other different boxes and put them on the floor but that wasn't good enough.

She wanted to have her special place / moment for her self on the kitchen table and we just had to come up with something better ( a bigger wood basket ).

The new wood basket is in place and things couldn't be much better at the moment.
She stays in this basket day in and day out, obviously if the weather is fine / temps are good too, she jumps out of it to go outside for a quick walk and chasing mosquitoes ( haven't caught her catching anything else yet. )

Between the Cats the hierarchy has been set and Stella is more or less the boss around when it comes to places / sleeping area. At night time, Stella has the bed ( our bed ) and Nalà won't come close. Well, if Nalà gets there first and we pet her and Stella sees that, Stella will be mad for days and won't eat and barely drink because of what we did ( let Nalà come in our bed ).

Nalà will of course sleep in her wood basket on the kitchen table at night but, depending on how far into her dreams about more kittens and playmates she may or may not follow us into the bedroom :)

The Scary Free World...

Our world is scary enough as it is, no doubt about that....
But from a Cat perspective, I can only imagine how scary some stuff can be.

When Nalà was out for the first time, she was on a leash. Just in case something went south, north, sideways or .. yeah you get the idea. As the little .gif imagine down below shows, Nalà can jump in all kinds of directions of a "little" thing as a dog bark in the distance...

Nalà was about 4 months old when she first got out ( before she got neutered ). We wanted to keep her inside a little while to get familiar with her new home before we let her go outside alone.

Nalà is even today a little bit scared of everything and other rapid movements etc. Stella ( her big sister ) doesn't move a muscle even when the vacuum cleaner starts, big difference!

A Channel for our Cats...

Youtube Channel...

I'll try to record our Cats now and then and see if I can make something ' good ' out of it.
For now, I don't really have much videos up on Youtube but we'll get there!

So, if you are interested here is our channel :)

Subscribe to us on Youtube if you want :)
 YouTube Subscribe

The day Nalà got neutered...

Different times....

So, Nalà had to be neutered last year due to many male cats around and you can never know which one jumps which one, and having two female cats in the house, the question about neutering was not really a question.

The ' funny ' thing was, once Stella got neutered she couldn't walk nor sit or whatever, not that she was in pain or anything but because of the clothes she was wearing to protect the newly surgical wound.
Nalà was a whole different story, she could walk...Well, you know when a cat walks you expect it to walk forward and not backwards? Well, the first 5 sec I didn't think much of it, up on until she was going for the food bowl and was walking backwards towards it. Of course it was because of the clothes she was wearing at the time, because once we took it off her, she would walk normally. But this shows how different and how much cats in general reacts to clothes :)

Most of the time in the evening when Nalà wanted to eat something we tried to lift her to the food bowl but she was acting up and was ' mad ' and didn't want anything, including her favorite candy, toy mouse, or whatever. So she rolled over on her back and timed out for the day...

Stella & Nalà


Thanks for stopping by to read this cat-blog(?)...
We have 2 tortoiseshell cats and both of them can be, at times a handfull.

They do though, play with eachother around 2-4 am and keeps everyone else in the house awake.
Oldest one ( the short hair one ) is the queen, she knows exactly what she wants and when she wants it. She can't really talk nor meow properly, so it's like some sort of "cat whispering" when she tries to meow.

The long hair one ( youngest one ) screams like a baby and if 'you' don't let her outside within 10 sec your eardrum will vibrate so hard migraine is kicking in soonish.
But lets not forget, dispite the fact that they both have few months between them and are so different, without them, things wouldn't be the same in the house.

Here is a picture of Stella, the day she got neutered at the Vet, came home and she wouldn't walk nor sit or lay down, so I placed a mouse on top of her head to see her reaction.

Too much grass...

Stella ate grass and it got stuck... Last night she didn't want to come in before we went to bed, so figured she could be out d...